Saturday, 16 March 2013

Meeting Announcement: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 6 pm – 8 pm

We are moving along and trying to arrange the training groups for the spring soccer academy. I have assembled the preliminary lists that will serve as the first step towards the formation of each of the four distinct training groups (which has taken a lot of time and effort). These groups will be posted and discussed at the meeting:

Wednesday, March 20, 2013
6 pm – 8 pm
Old House Village and Spa
Denman Room

The formation of these groups will be a starting point, which means that any and all players listed within a certain training group will be assessed on an ongoing basis as to whether the group they are training in is the proper fit.  Importantly, with the amazing response we are going to have to move two of the groups to Monday + Wednesday and two of the groups will remain on Tuesday + Thursday. The weekend schedule will also be adjusted, as it is now essential to run a third weekend timeslot. In addition, each of the four groups will receive a minimum of 3-4 games for the duration of the program, which means that there will be some movement on the weekends to accommodate for games. Again, I will certainly do my best to provide as much advance warning as per the schedule for the program, but have to admit a schedule arranged on a monthly basis will be the best way to proceed. This final meeting prior to the spring break holiday will be important for the following reasons

  •  Late registrations and outstanding payments
  • Confirmation of the clothing size
  • Confirmation of who did not receive a dry-fit gold t-shirt
  • Confirmation of all details for each individual player (contact details, waiver/release, program conflicts, medical details, etc.)
  • Headshot for each player

This is an exciting time for one and all with regard to the Vancouver Island Spring Soccer Academy- please let me know if you should have any further concerns and/or questions .

1 comment:

  1. Very nicely organized camp it is. I wanted to join soccer camps to play soccer as I am fond of playing soccer since long. So I applied at Soccer Camps.
